Do you care about what everyone thinks of you?

Do you avoid being you in a pursuit of being “liked” by others?

Are you always trying to make everyone happy?

Take some time to think about whether you compromise whom you are, in order to receive acceptance of others. If so, I bet it can feel like a daunting task. Would you agree?

This quote is simple and straightforward with a powerful punch. You cannot please everyone. It is literally impossible to do, no matter how hard you try. Yes, we all want to feel socially accepted. Matthew Lieberman discusses this in his book, Social. It is hard-wired in our brains. However, striving to be “liked” by everyone will surely strip away your true self.

Think about it. In the grand scheme of life, is it worth striving for acceptance from everyone while sacrificing your identity in the process?

I have to laugh at myself some times when I think back at how I constantly looked for that social acceptance. Although, in doing so, I gave up chunks of whom I was. I actually have this cool stash of super hero collectibles that I now have boxed away somewhere. I actually still have a few statues set up in my office. My favorite one is a Superman bronze statue my father gave me for Christmas one year. I think the thing must weigh about ten pounds.

However, I packed the majority of them away. My fear of social rejection, mainly by the opposite sex, led me to hide that part of me. It prevented me from being myself. Why would I do that? In hopes of being accepted, did I really have to give up portions of who I was and what I enjoyed?

Be yourself, because that is what truly matters. If people cannot see the awesomeness that you are then there is no reason why you should want their acceptance in the first place.

As I mentioned earlier, it is hard-wired in us so it can definitely get the best of us sometimes.

Although make it a point to shift your attention to staying true to yourself and avoid focusing on what others think.

You know, some people may think my writing does not offer value. That is perfectly fine. Others may find one or two gold nuggets of useful information that they can apply to their daily lives.

Either way, I am just being myself and if certain people don’t like me, I don’t have to care. I can focus all of my attention and engagement to those individuals who do resonate with me. Those relationships are the ones I want to nourish.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you strived for the acceptance of everyone around you. What part of you did you have to sacrifice in order to gain their acceptance? Was it worth it? Are you true to yourself now?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.