Are you happy?

Do you rely on others for your happiness?

During times of unhappiness, do you blame external factors for why you are feeling this way?

Take a few minutes to think about this and answer those questions to yourself honestly.

This quote by Abraham Lincoln is so valuable because we either often forget or maybe never even realize that our own happiness is up to us and no one else.

We often expect the world around us, as well as our relationships, to provide our happiness. The problem is when our expectations are not met we then pull the victim card and use blame and excuse as justification.

I always looked for my happiness from the external and not from within.

I was unconscious to the fact that I was actually responsible for it.

It can be so easy to put the blame on everything else when we are unhappy. It makes us feel better, in a sense, because although our unhappiness remains, we can say it is because of x, y, and z, as opposed to acknowledging the problem is within.

Another important point to mention is that unhappiness never shows up alone. It usually brings along its best friends, anger, resentment, frustration, and sometimes jealousy and envy, if they are available to come out and play, depending on the situation.

Now, I’m not sure about you, but that’s a crowd I don’t like to hang out with.

When I first read this quote, I started thinking about it and was like “Oh, damn, my happiness is up to me… Thanks, Abraham, now I have to figure out what my issues are.”

Blame and excuse are so much easier although they never solve the problem.

I began becoming more self-aware of my thoughts when unhappiness and its crew came to visit my mind. They always seemed to do the “pop in.” I had to see what told them they could swing by unannounced.

I also had to stop saying, “It’s not my fault (insert random excuse here).”

I started taking responsibility for my life and accountability of my actions. If I was not happy with something, I chose to accept it, change it, or remove myself from it.

I changed my outlook and became more appreciative.

My happiness begins and ends within me. It is my responsibility and no one else.

Love your life! Enjoy it!

If you are unhappy with any aspect, situation, or relationship in your life, you have the choice to accept it, change it, or remove yourself from it. Blaming your job, your boss, your spouse, your family, or whatever it is you think is creating your unhappiness, however, will not solve your problem.

Take responsibility for your life and accountability for your actions because no one else can do that for you.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Are you taking responsibility for your happiness?

If so, was there a specific moment in your life where you finally realized your happiness was up to you and you alone?

If not, what is it you are telling yourself right now that is causing you to feel otherwise?

Will you now decide to do something about it?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.