Relationship Coaching

How is your relationship with yourself?

How are your relationships with others?

If you compared those relationships would are there similarities?

Do you need a relationship coach?

When you read this quote, I want you to take a step back and think about your relationship with yourself and the people in your life. Take a few minutes, list them out on a piece of paper, even the one with yourself, and rate them on a scale of one to ten (ten being the best). This will help you decide if you need a relationship coach.

This quote by Mandy Hale definitely resonates with me because I am able to view the person I used to be and the person I am becoming. The person I was in the past was one who invited people in my life because I thought I needed them. Nowadays, I invite people in to my life because I want them and that makes a tremendous difference.

Think about any past or current relationships or friendships. How are they serving you?

If your relationship with yourself is lacking, you will attempt to fill in those gaps by inviting people in to your life based on need. Like attracts like, so the people you allow in to your life based on need are more than likely looking for the same thing. This is when co-dependency can set in.

However, when you are able to stand alone, with the confidence of knowing who you are, you come from a place of abundance. Therefore, the people you invite in to your life will enhance you because you want them in your life and are not trying to fill any missing pieces. This allows you establish healthy, supportive relationships as opposed to destructive ones.

For many years, my intimate relationships were need-based. I allowed certain individuals in to my life based on a void within myself that I was hoping they would be able to fill. Of course, I did not realize it at the time. Examining my relationship with me was not even a thought and my relationships reflected that, ending up not being healthiest choices.

I want to point out though that I am incredibly thankful for those experiences. I have no regrets because it was what I needed to get to where I am today.

Do not get me wrong. I am still a work in progress and will always be. However, I am a lot stronger now as an individual than I once was and it has improved whom I choose to allow in my life now and in the future.

Now I am not saying to start breaking up with everyone you know. Far from it.

I am simply suggesting for you to check in with yourself.

Do you need a relationship coach?

If there was someone in your life previously or maybe someone in your life right now that may not be the healthiest for you, see what it is about internally.  Look within.

Your outer world is a reflection of you inner world and this directly ties in with your relationships as well.

Be brave to be alone because you are already whole and the people you allow in your life will simply enhance that even more.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you developed relationships with people based on a need you felt was missing within you. Uncover what it was about and acknowledge it. Do this without judgement, only curiosity.

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.