Are you lonely?

If so, how long have you experienced this feeling?

When you are feeling lonely, what thoughts are racing through your mind?

Take some time to look at what is going on around you, as well as what is going on inside your head when you are in that moment of feeling lonely. Write them down so you can see them in front of you.

This quote by Wayne W. Dyer is an important one because loneliness is a state of mind. It is a feeling, which, by looking within and getting to know you, can change.

When you are experiencing loneliness, it is because you are looking for someone or something external to help fill that emptiness inside you. And, whether you are actually alone or in a relationship, this feeling can persist in both situations.

You see, alone time is actually one of the most beneficial gifts you can give yourself. It allows you to be with you, the one person that you can always count on, through thick and thin, no matter what the situation.  It gives you the opportunity for self-reflection, self-discovery, and self-fulfillment.

The problem is, when you do not know who you are or have not spent much time getting to know yourself, you have a difficult time finding your inner happiness. You then start looking for that happiness elsewhere; searching for happiness as if it is a buried treasure on a lost pirate map, either through a relationship, an addiction, a distraction, or simply by avoidance.

You see, outer happiness is temporary. Inner happiness is permanent.

For many years, I experienced loneliness. I was looking for that buried treasure and all I found were unhealthy relationships and unsatisfied needs. I was looking to fill a void through external means when all along it was inside of me, hidden away. But I did not take the time or put in the effort to find it.

If you had a better understanding of who you are and what you wanted in life, do you think you would still be lonely?

Would you then be ok if you spent a weekend at home alone?

Would you then need a relationship in order to feel complete?

Answer those questions honestly.

Remember, as I stated earlier, loneliness is a state of mind. It is a feeling.

Listen, we all want human connection, including myself. It is an innate wiring in our brains. However, you can have that human connection with others and have inner happiness too.

Take the time to get to know you.

Realize that you can wash away that feeling of loneliness by looking within.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience when you were feeling lonely. What was going on around you, as well as internally? Were you able to overcome that feeling? Alternatively, are you still struggling with it today?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.